Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Partitioned Views in WASD – Easy Peasy?

In my last post (http://sqltuna.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/index-fragmentation-in-wasd.html) I ended with a reference for using Partitioned Views to reduce index sizes and allow defragmentation processes to run successfully.  This is because they allow each member table to have their indexes rebuilt individually meaning smaller datasets and smaller transactions.  My claim of it being “easy peasy” is possibly far fetched, so I felt a follow-up post was needed.  Although Partitioned Views is not a new concept in SQL Server, WASD is a different platform, and I thought it may prove useful to focus on how to partition your data in this environment.

First of all, as the observant reader, you have no doubt guessed that Partitioned Views are indeed supported on WASD.  You may not know however that Partitioned Tables & Indexes are not supported.  In the context of rebuilding indexes that’s not an issue, as partitioned tables or indexes cannot have individual partitions rebuilt online, unless you’re a crazy fool running SQL Server 2014 CTP1+ in production.  Therefore Partitioned Views do us just fine.

So, without getting into a full explanation of a Partitioned View, we essentially need to find or create one or more columns to constrain using CHECKs, keeping the datasets in each member table mutually exclusive.

What do I partition on?

The link above gives a nice, neat example using years and months for sales data.  In practice, your data does not always have an obvious partition.  In such cases, you need to create one.  In WASD you have 2 approaches – calculate in the database, or calculate in the application tier.  We don’t have the luxury of CLRs, so any code-related hashing must be moved into the application tier.  This is not a bad option, as it moves the processing where there are commonly more CPUs available, and in the case of Azure, more control over the resources available.  For more simplistic hashing in the database, this can be done in the form of a computed column or scalar UDF.

TIP: Whichever approach you take, ensure the source columns contain static data – you do not want to be coding data movements between your member tables due to a data update!

Let’s assume you don’t have a natural key for partitioning your data.  We need to hash a source column to produce a “partitionable” column.  If we consider a member table to be a “bucket” of data, the hashing algorithm must distribute the data as evenly as possible across the buckets.  A very simple example would be where an incremental integer PK exists – your partition column could take the modulus of the PK against the number of buckets, e.g. for 10 buckets, use PK % 10.  This will give you an even distribution for the values 0 to 9.  BEWARE – if your table contains such a key, which is an IDENTITY field, this is not the solution for you.  As soon as you split the data into member tables, you lose the ability to generate an incremental ID across the entire set, as each IDENTITY value will relate to the individual member table.  If it’s not an IDENTITY field, test your distribution across the number of desired partitions to see if this approach is appropriate.

Another point is we’re working in WASD here.  And this solution is being considered due to large data volumes and index sizes.  The likelihood is your data is sharded across multiple databases to increase throughput, and to allow for scalability you have designed your tables without an incremental key to remove PK clashes when merging datasets.  You may already have a hashed ID that you are using for sharding, or perhaps you’re using GUIDs or COMBs.  To explore the distribution of these various options I ran a comparison based on the following hashing options, where n is the number of partitions (or member tables):

  1. The rightmost 4 bytes of a GUID, converted to an integer, split into n equal ranges
  2. The rightmost 4 bytes of a GUID, converted to an integer (absolute), mod n
  3. The leftmost 4 bytes of a GUID or COMB, converted to an integer, split into n equal ranges
  4. The leftmost 4 bytes of a GUID or COMB, converted to an integer (absolute), mod n
  5. The hash of a GUID using an implementation of the Jenkins hash, split into n equal ranges
  6. The hash of a GUID using an implementation of the Jenkins hash, mod n

This list is clearly not exhaustive, but is a very good start to a simple hashing mechanism for creating a Partitioned View.  I excluded using the rightmost part of a COMB due to the way it is constructed, i.e. using the system date & time.  It is clear even without testing that the results would be heavily dependent on the time records were inserted, rather than based on a consistent algorithm – I wanted to avoid this approach.  The Jenkins hash is a simple, yet effective, hashing algorithm that I have seen used in a large-scale sharding architecture.  The implementation I am using for the tests is in C#, and produces a number in the positive BIGINT range from a String input.  It is highly effective at producing an even distribution across the positive BIGINT range, even from the smallest change to the input value, and with very little chance of duplicates.  I have personally tested this algorithm using 2.5 billion usernames without any collisions (!).  Yes, it needs to be run in the application tier, but is a worthwhile consideration for many architectural partitioning concerns.  Here is the code (courtesy of a developer colleague of mine):

    public static long LongHash(String input)
ulong hash = 0;

foreach (byte b in System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(input.ToLower()))
hash += b;
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);

hash += (hash << 3);
hash ^= (hash >> 11);
hash += (hash << 15);

return (long)(hash % long.MaxValue);

The comparison was performed in a single table, with results shown across 1k, 100k and 1m rows for 2, 10 and 20 partitions.  I am cheating a little for these tests and running it all locally so I can make use of a CLR function for the Jenkins hash.  It was that or process each row one at a time in WASD… (from an application perspective this is not an issue, as rows tend to be dealt with individually).  Here is the script I used for creating and populating all the hash values:

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.DistributionTest') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.DistributionTest;

-- I am using computed columns to do the work here and populate partition numbers based on my criteria
CREATE TABLE dbo.DistributionTest
,baseGUID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID()
,right4range2 AS (CASE WHEN CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),RIGHT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) PERSISTED
,right4range10 AS (FLOOR((CONVERT(bigint,CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),RIGHT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))+2147483648)/429496730)) PERSISTED
,right4range20 AS (FLOOR((CONVERT(bigint,CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),RIGHT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))+2147483648)/214748365)) PERSISTED
,right4mod2 AS (ABS((CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),RIGHT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))%2)) PERSISTED
,right4mod10 AS (ABS((CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),RIGHT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))%10)) PERSISTED
,right4mod20 AS (ABS((CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),RIGHT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))%20)) PERSISTED
,left4range2 AS (CASE WHEN CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),LEFT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) PERSISTED
,left4range10 AS (FLOOR((CONVERT(bigint,CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),LEFT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))+2147483648)/429496730)) PERSISTED
,left4range20 AS (FLOOR((CONVERT(bigint,CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),LEFT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))+2147483648)/214748365)) PERSISTED
,left4mod2 AS (ABS((CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),LEFT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))%2)) PERSISTED
,left4mod10 AS (ABS((CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),LEFT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))%10)) PERSISTED
,left4mod20 AS (ABS((CONVERT(int,CONVERT(varbinary(4),LEFT(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID),8),2)))%20)) PERSISTED
,jenkinsrange bigint NULL
,jenkinsmod2 tinyint NULL
,jenkinsmod10 tinyint NULL
,jenkinsmod20 tinyint NULL


-- insert 1m rows - ID can be used to find distributions up to 1k and 100k
GO 1000000

-- use CLR to apply Jenkins hash
UPDATE dbo.DistributionTest
SET jenkinsrange = dbo.LongHash(CONVERT(char(36),baseGUID));


UPDATE dbo.DistributionTest
SET     jenkinsmod2 = jenkinsrange%2
,jenkinsmod10 = jenkinsrange%10
,jenkinsmod20 = jenkinsrange%20;


FROM dbo.DistributionTest;











That’s a lot of data to take in!  Essentially though, all approaches produce an acceptable distribution across the partitions, even for low data volumes.  If you have a unique GUID in your dataset, then any of these approaches will work for you.  Consider putting the partitioning logic into the application tier too, as there is often more processing power available than in WASD.  No GUID?  No worries!  Any unique column should work with the Jenkins hash – simply convert to a String first and feed it in.  Adding a unique GUID is not exactly difficult either…  In fact my WASD preference (in most cases) is to use a GUID as the Primary Key, allowing for scalability through sharding, as well as the basis for a well distributed partitioning key.  A quick statement for the anti-GUID clan out there - your Primary Key does not have to be your clustering key.  Cluster on an incremental field if fragmentation on insert is a concern.  Having your Primary Key as the basis of your partitioning allows the application to generate the partition key and utilise the Partitioned View without (much) additional work.  Bear this in mind when designing your solution – if the Primary Key is not your app’s usual entry point then use a column that is.

Finally, if you want your Partitioned View to be updateable then pay attention to the requirements for this (a useful link here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187067%28v=sql.105%29.aspx).  Avoid computed columns, timestamps and IDENTITY columns etc, and remember to add your partitioning column(s) to your member tables’ Primary Keys.

Partitioned Views in WASD – easy peasy?  Armed with a few techniques, not far off I think Winking smile

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Index Fragmentation in WASD

I first wrote about this subject back in June 2012 (see: http://beyondrelational.com/modules/2/blogs/76/posts/15290/index-fragmentation-in-sql-azure.aspx) after several conversations with Microsoft about it, and particular concerns over fragmentation in the primary database compared to the secondaries (that’s right, the replicated secondary databases can have different fragmentation levels to the primary).  I was convinced that defragging the indexes would help with this scenario, but bowed down to Microsoft’s advice and wrote the post accordingly.

As with anything though, advice and thoughts can change over time.  Whilst the advice given in the linked post is still mostly correct – there are still no guarantees on enhancing performance through defragging indexes - there are occasions where an index defrag is beneficial.  Take the scenario mentioned above for example.  Say you have a lot of data, multiple GBs in fact, with a decent number of indexes present.  Your data is sharded, for performance and scalability reasons, meaning you are regularly using a non-sequential ID as the Primary Key, such as a GUID.

Interlude: The reason behind using a GUID?  Well, scaling out using shards should also allow scaling in, i.e. merging databases.  If your Primary Key for a table is not unique across all shards you’ll get Primary Key violations on the merge (cue heated discussion about sequential IDs, secondary lookups, COMBs, blah, blah).

FILLFACTOR is fixed at 0 (100%) in WASD, meaning as you insert records you naturally incur page splits and fragmentation in your indexes.  This means under-filled pages and wasted space, bloating your overall index sizes.  Not only does this cost you more money, but it also has another peculiar side effect – that of mismatches in fragmentation levels between replicas.  In a multi-tenant architecture, you have no control over the physical nodes on which your databases reside, nor their secondaries, and the Azure fabric controller performs lots of black box operations unbeknownst to us such as moving databases between physical nodes when necessary.  Continuing our example, imagine you have the following physical setup:


Now suppose Node B becomes extremely busy due to other tenants residing there.  Your replication is struggling to complete slowing down the transactions in the primary, and the fabric controller ultimately decides the database needs to be moved to a different node:


The process of moving and rebuilding the database on a different node can trigger a rebuild of the indexes.  The end result?  You have replicas with different fragmentation levels.  At this point, a failover to the relocated secondary will cause a jump in space used.  The more indexes and fragmentation you have, the larger the jump.  Initially, the jump will be downwards – that’s cool right?  Works out cheaper, and fragmentation is fixed.  But how about if we fail back?  Yup, our space used in the database suddenly increases (assuming the failover is to the former primary database, and that nothing has triggered a rebuild of it in the meantime).

No doubt you’re keeping track of how full your databases are though, so there’s no way the jump would take you up to your maximum database size, right?  That’s ok then.

As I alluded to earlier, defragging your indexes regularly can mitigate against this scenario.  But CAUTION – the same rules and limitations apply.  There is limited transaction log usage, tempdb, and it’s a large physical operation so there is increased risk of throttling.  Rebuilding ONLINE reduces the transaction size, but with large indexes (multi-GB) you still run the risk of it failing.  My advice – consider a nice old-fashioned technique called Partitioned Views (see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190019%28v=sql.105%29.aspx).  If no logical partition exists on a table, create one using a hash function.  It increases the administration overhead a little, but allows you to reduce your index sizes by splitting the data into separate partitions.

Rebuilding indexes in WASD?  Easy peasy.